I love you

Our daughter believes she is beautiful, smart, worthy. She walks through life confidently, even when kids at school try to tell her she’s not enough. She is silly and weird, she loves who she is. She’s not afraid to try new things, to be goofy in public, to march to the beat of her own drum.

Our son fiercely defends those around him. He doesn’t know a stranger and strikes up conversation with everyone he meets. He has the ability to really SEE people, never writing anyone off easily. He is strong, loyal. He is hilarious, always trying to make people laugh. He’s handsome to boot.

They are the best parts of you.

I love them both more than I ever thought possible. When I feel like I’m failing, you tell me I’m enough. When I’m at the end of my rope, you step in with patience and gentleness. You rescue when it’s right and you let us learn when it’s necessary. You work hard to care for us, giving me the freedom to be home with them. Parenting with you has been the most amazing adventure.

I am the mother I am because of the husband you are. They are the goofy, smart, confident children they are because of the father you are. All of this is because of the man you choose to be, everyday.

I love you. We are so lucky that you are ours.
