
Last night I cried to my husband about how I feel like I’m failing our kids.

He pulled me in close and reminded me to celebrate the wins. Often times we get stuck in a cycle of trying to be better. There’s nothing wrong with wanting to continue to grow and to strive for more. But when that desire causes you to look past the current successes, when it takes away your celebration and replaces it with guilt and condemnation, it’s time to stop, take a step back, breathe, and take in your surroundings.

I’d share a place where I felt like I was lacking, he’d counter with a gentle reminder of where we were a year ago, six months ago, even a week ago. Sometimes the greatest success comes in simple perseverance.

And at the end of the conversation, you want to know what he credited as my greatest win? Our kids are happy and healthy. Our kids love me. He pulled me in a little tighter and said, “And I love you. And I am so proud of you.”

It’s amazing how much healing and relief lives in such simple words. It was like a deep breath that fills you from the bottom up.

So mommas, I may not know you. I may not know where you are in your journey. But just keep going. Keep persevering. Keep trying. Your babies love you. And you know what? I’m proud of you.
