Notes for his girl

My husband my and daughter have a special relationship. They are very similar. They think the same. They get each other.

I thought it would be fun to give you a bigger glimpse into my world. I asked my husband to write a little note to Raegan for her birthday and asked him if I could share it here. It’s far greater and more special than anything I’d have come up with.

So here’s my favorite person writing a little love note to one of my other favorites. Our unicorn loving little girl is seven today, I can barely believe it.

“Not much in this world scares me. I’ll get up in front of people and talk. Most people my age are afraid of teenagers, and rightfully so, but they are my people. Sure, I don’t like spiders. Or birds. Or really anything that crawls or flies at my face. But they don’t really scare me.

Being a daddy though? Being YOUR daddy? That scared me. You can see it, in those first few pictures of me holding you. It was like someone put a warm water balloon made of tissue paper in my arms, and I had to somehow not crush it. I was terrified baby. So scared I was gonna mess things up.

As you grew, I learned about you. I knew I wouldn’t know everything out the gate, but what surprised me was the process of getting to know YOU. I kinda just assumed you were my kid, so I’d know you. And to be fair, you and I are a lot alike. We drive your momma crazy in the same ways. We laugh at the same things. Our brains process the same way. So in the moments when you’re overwhelmed and mom can’t wrap her brain around why, I can step in and say ‘I get it.’

Today you’re 7. Which is a big deal for you, but baby it’s a big deal for US. We get to know each other better every day. And just when I think I can’t love you any more, you say something goofy that makes me roll on the floor. And just when I think I can’t do this job that I’ve been given to be your daddy, you give me the grace I need that reminds me we were chosen for each other.

So happy birthday baby. And high five. Cause we’re killing this thing.”
